Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Wonderful PROMISE 奇妙的应许

I slept very well the night of Sep 16. The nurse came again and monitored my conditions. I slept soundly again thereafter. It was then I dreamed of a sentence "You've Received My Healing". This sentence persisted for very very long time. The word Received was particularly clear. 

I woke up and knew God had answered our prayers. Hallelujah!!! I wrote the following in my notebook:

I was elated the whole day. As with many promises/revelation from God, there are always confirmation. When someone "challenged" my conviction later, I waited for the confirmation. 

Mat 21:22  And all things, as many as you may ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." 

Mat 21:22  你们祷告,无论求什麽,只要信,就必得著。 

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