Sunday, August 19, 2012

It is not to be yet

Done blood test and PET scan on Thur Aug 16.

Reviewed the results with the doctor Fri Aug 17. The doctor said the results were excellent. The treatment so far has shown results with improvement beyond his expectations (And we know why). Liver, kidney functions were good. Blood test results were well, with tumor marker of <0.5 (detection level).

To be on the very safe side, the doctor recommended some more chemotherapy to be done. I felt he was keeping the card too close to his chest, perhaps he was concerned with information overload???.....
"How many more cycles, Doc?" I asked.
"Maximum 3 cycles." He replied.

On top of this, he recommended a procedure called Radiofrequency Ablation(RFA); a high frequency electricity using electrode is used to generate heat to kill the tumor on the liver. Though the scan has shown no tumor, the doctor believed that this procedure will help to prevent any possible recurrence. I will be admitted to hospital Tue Aug 21 for the procedure, and be discharged the next day.

So the 7th cycle of chemo started on Fri Aug 17. So my earlier wish on final chemotherapy session was not to be, as yet. Nonetheless, it is on count-down mode. Very thankful that the previous round, the side effects were much reduced. Indeed God has been merciful and faithful! We could praise Him always.

Psalm 71:3
Be to me a rock of refuge,
    to which I may continually come;
you have given the command to save me,
    for you are my rock and my fortress.

詩 篇 71

求 你 作 我 常 住 的 磐 石 ; 你 已 经 命 定 要 救 我 , 因 为 你 是 我 的 岩 石 , 我 的 山 寨