Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nature 大自然




During weekends, we went further to get to the nature. These sites were refreshing. So blessed to be able to get there within 20minutes or so. At the reservoir park this morning, a mother told her child, " We can smell the scent of grass here!"

These past week, some colleagues visited. They are all dear sisters-in-Christ. We had a good time sharing, laughing and praying. They brought me much encouragement.

I prayed for my wife recently on 2 occasions. When she had a fishbone stuck to her throat, and having an infection. Miraculously God heard my prayer and healed her. All praise to Him!

Psalm 8: 3 When I consider your heavens,     the work of your fingers,  the moon and the stars,     which you have set in place,  4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,     human beings that you care for them?

詩 篇 8

3 我 观 看 你 指 头 所 造 的 天 , 并 你 所 陈 设 的 月 亮 星 宿 ,
4 便 说 : 人 算 甚 麽 , 你 竟 顾 念 他 ? 世 人 算 甚 麽 , 你 竟 眷 顾 他 ?