Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Many Blessings 祝福满满

During my stay in hospital (and after discharge at home), I was so blessed to receive so many emails, sms/text, calls from friends, colleagues, relatives and family members. Many took time amid their busy schedule to visit. All the well-wishes, blessings, encouragement and prayers lifted my spirit.  All stretched forth their hands to help us in one way or another.
Some colleagues and friends brought laughters. Though my wounds ached when I laughed during the initial period, I was so glad that they cheered me up. (What is life without laughters??)

Many of my former church brethren visited, including pastors and elder. I was touched for their love shown to me and my family. Our church sent pastor, many groups of prayer warrior and laid hand to pray for me. Some shared their personal testimonies on their triumphs over sickness, these are particularly uplifting to hear how the Lord had touched their lives in very special ways.

We thank each and everyone, and the company for making time, spending money and resources to help and encourage us. May God Bless you.

Some reading material brought by friends, relatives and colleagues同事朋友亲人们带来的阅读材料
Some audio-visual material received 陪我度过不少时光的影音材料

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