Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Give thanks 感恩

The tiredness has disappeared and resumed stroll in the park yesterday. Felt really good.

The nurses at the hospital are really fantastic. They call few times to check on the progress.

Thanks to those who keep encouraging us, praying for us. May God Bless you and family.

My dear wife has attended me my needs, big or small, all this while. She said, " I wish I could bear half of your suffering." I said, " No, the Lord has done it all. He bore our sickness, sorrows, suffering at the cross. Completed." So we just need to come to the throne of grace, and laid down everything to receive His peace and healing.



感谢妻一直以来所有大小事上的照顾。她说,“我有办法承受你一半的经历就好了。”我说,“主耶稣已经在十字架上承担了我们所有一切的病痛,悲伤和苦难。完成了。” 所以,我们放胆的来到祂施恩的宝座前,放下一切重担,来接受祂的平安及医治。

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Treatment 治疗

Started chemo on 10/19, around 3.30pm to 8pm at the hospital. Just sitting on a chair to allow the medicine to be dispensed, while reading some books and watching some TV. Went home with a pump which continued to dispense medicine.

Day 2 was around 2-hour session sitting down. Went back with another pump.
Day 3 was just removing the pump.

We have been praying for no side effect. Thank God, other than some tiredness and dizziness on 3rd day, my body is taking it well. Got a swelling on the gum yesterday. After I prayed, it was gone by the afternoon. Just amazing how God is good all the time!!

Next step is to eat more and gain some weight.

Psalm 37
4 Delight yourself in the LORD 
       and he will give you the desires of your heart.

10/19开始化疗,从下午3.30 至8点 在医院里坐着,让药以输液方式慢慢的进入身体。同时一边看书,也看了一些电视。过后带了一个药泵回家,继续输液。



詩 篇 37

 4 又 要 以 耶 和 华 为 乐 , 他 就 将 你 心 里 所 求 的 赐 给 你 。