Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thanks God for Family为家人而感恩

I was admiring the flowers that morning, and thought of the passage出院那天清晨在欣赏花束时想到经文:
Luke 12:28:
28 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?路 加 福 音 12:28:
    28 你 们 这 小 信 的 人 哪 , 野 地 里 的 草 今 天 还 在 , 明 天 就 丢 在 炉 里 , 神 还 给 他 这 样 的 妆 饰 , 何 况 你 们 呢 !
Thanks to my family who support me during this period. My wife has been my main care giver, the chief nurse and the dietitian. She made a lot of adjustment to accommodate my needs. Kids were helpful in voluntarily taking over some household chores. They prayed for me daily too. 

My daughter sent me her daily prayer during my hospital stay 住院期间女儿每天写给我的祷告 

My wife's family helped greatly during this period, as they always do. Their moral and physical support, prayers assist us in pulling through. My sis-in-law particularly demonstrates her faith in God, and brings many blessing to our lives.

My brothers and sis-in-law make many long distance calls and send messages to encourage us.  My younger brother who stays locally takes leave to accompany me for many days. He takes care of my daily needs, make things a lot easier for me during my recovery. They spare no effort to take care of every aspect of our lives.
Indeed thank God for everyone dear and special whom He put in my life!! May God bless each one abundantly.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Medical and Nursing Staff 医疗及护理人员

The team of doctors did their round every morning as early as 7am, checking on each patients. While many are still sleeping, they've already started their work day. They made assessment on each patient at the ward, looking through the records and checking on the patients. Dr E, the doctor who operated on me,  came around a few times. He always greeted each patient, and gave a firm handshake. He was ever so positive and reassuring, and always brought encouragement to the patients.  The team of very capable doctors told me that I was progressing very well. By 5th day, the last tube attached was removed. I was put on drip for 4 days, back to clear feed on 5th day. One day after, back on solid food again.

The nurses at the ward were very nice, keeping very good care of the patients. Some would joked to make the atmosphere more relaxing. They always attend to us with gentleness, care and dedication. After few days, even the most serious looking nurse started to smile and converse to me in Malay.  They provided valuable information on the care post op., diet and so on.

The physiotherapists continued their workout schedule with me. Started walking on day 3, climbing stairs day 4 onwards.

Thanks to all the medical and nursing staff for their professional care, which they did it with much enthusiasm. Their effort and kindness were greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Many Blessings 祝福满满

During my stay in hospital (and after discharge at home), I was so blessed to receive so many emails, sms/text, calls from friends, colleagues, relatives and family members. Many took time amid their busy schedule to visit. All the well-wishes, blessings, encouragement and prayers lifted my spirit.  All stretched forth their hands to help us in one way or another.
Some colleagues and friends brought laughters. Though my wounds ached when I laughed during the initial period, I was so glad that they cheered me up. (What is life without laughters??)

Many of my former church brethren visited, including pastors and elder. I was touched for their love shown to me and my family. Our church sent pastor, many groups of prayer warrior and laid hand to pray for me. Some shared their personal testimonies on their triumphs over sickness, these are particularly uplifting to hear how the Lord had touched their lives in very special ways.

We thank each and everyone, and the company for making time, spending money and resources to help and encourage us. May God Bless you.

Some reading material brought by friends, relatives and colleagues同事朋友亲人们带来的阅读材料
Some audio-visual material received 陪我度过不少时光的影音材料

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Wonderful PROMISE 奇妙的应许

I slept very well the night of Sep 16. The nurse came again and monitored my conditions. I slept soundly again thereafter. It was then I dreamed of a sentence "You've Received My Healing". This sentence persisted for very very long time. The word Received was particularly clear. 

I woke up and knew God had answered our prayers. Hallelujah!!! I wrote the following in my notebook:

I was elated the whole day. As with many promises/revelation from God, there are always confirmation. When someone "challenged" my conviction later, I waited for the confirmation. 

Mat 21:22  And all things, as many as you may ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive." 

Mat 21:22  你们祷告,无论求什麽,只要信,就必得著。