Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Post op 手术后

It has been a month post op. The wound is now completely healed. The assistant surgeon was very certain that there would be infection, due to the pre-existing condition. We prayed otherwise. Indeed we are very thankful that the wound has healed without incidence.

It has been quite a different story adapting to the ileostomy though. The colon, having rested for 11 months, has taken longer time to adjust. Past few weeks has been tough, with need to rush to wash room regularly. This was accompanied by severe abdominal pain. Some time it was up to half a day in the rest room, the pain was so unbearable that  at times I have to resort to painkiller.

Visited the doc yesterday, a new doctor since the surgeon has moved on. He explained about the bacteria at work  after the large intestine just gotten back to function again, and prescribed some medication to reduce bowel irritation. This situation has kept me at home pretty much. Pray and looking forwards to improvement soon.  Pressing on.

James1:2  Let it be all joy to you, my brothers, when you undergo tests of every sort;
雅各书1:2  我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐; 

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