Tuesday, July 19, 2011

and the doctors said.....医生如是说。。。。。

Reviewed with the colorectal surgeon, Prof E on Monday. He was back from a long vacation and looked very much refreshed. After examination, he arranged for a X-ray to be done on Aug 4. If the joint in the colon heals well, he would then proceed with the operation.

After going through the reports, he mentioned it wais rare to see such a good progress, given the conditions that I had. He was very happy for me. I could not help but gave thanks to God, so has been seeing through the healing and remains ever so faithful.

This morning I saw the oncologist, Dr K. As usual, he examined me- and said all was well. He asked when the operation would be done. The tumor marker was very low, and thus did not warrant a scan. He would see me again on Nov 1, thereafter every half yearly. This is indeed fantastic news!!

Psa 41:2  the LORD protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; 
Psa 41:2  耶和华必保全他,使他存活;他必在地上享福

Lam 3:24  Deep in my heart I say, "The LORD is all I need; I can depend on him!" 
Lam 3:24  我心里说:耶和华是我的分,因此,我要仰望他。

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