Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Faith, Hope, Love 信望爱

(1) Visit
The church sent another visitation team to my house. Bro E and 2 others visited. He encouraged us with his personal experience with the Lord. It was always good to be lifted in faith.
At the end of the visit, Bro W told us the Lord had impressed on him 2 passages to share with us, Psalm 103 and Psalm 23. What a pleasant surprise. These were the 2 psalms that the Lord had prompted me to read few days earlier. He read for us the 103th Psalm:

1-2 O my soul, bless God. From head to toe, I'll bless his holy name!
   O my soul, bless God,
      don't forget a single blessing!

 3-5 He forgives your sins—every one.
      He heals your diseases—every one.
      He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
      He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
      He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
      He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence. 

Later my university roommate also send me Ps 23 as assurance - 4 Even though I walk 
   through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, 
they comfort me.

 How wonderful it was to see confirmation of His words. God is ever caring for us.

(2) Bonding
I have the opportunity to spend more time with my younger son, age 11, simply because he spends more time at home than his 2 siblings. They are busily engaged in school for studies and extra-curriculum activities.
Of late, he grows very protective of me. He would help me to carry stuff, serve me drink, and always challenge me like:
"Papa, are you sure you can drink/eat this?" (due to the fact that I am on food restriction)
While accompanying him to basket ball court, he would said: "You can only shoot the ball, not running allowed(due to my wounds)."

Last weekend, we went to buy something from the neighourhood shops. After that, he helped me to carry stuffs back. Alomng the way, he asked: " Papa, do you enjoy spending money? " Since shopping itself is a therapy, I gladly said, "Yes, I do."
He replied: "So do I, I also enjoy spending money." I did not ask him whether it is because he is spending my money.

(3) Chemotherapy Session # 8 (1 more to go!)
Yesterday, my wife and I made our way to the hospital. As usual, did the blood test. Then proceed to see the oncologist, Dr K. He examined me, and asked about the side-effect from previous rounds. My feet has been experiencing large scale peeling of skin. On looking at them, he asked: "Do you want to postpone the treatment for few days?" Since we were already there, I decided to proceed with it. Then he said: "Next round, we can postpone by 1 more week." So the next and the last chemo will be on May 18. 

After reviewing everything, Dr K said: "You are doing very well." I could proceed to fix appointment with the colorectal surgeon to finish off the last medical procedure. "My job is done!!", Dr K declared. We thanked him for all the cares he has rendered. He was all smiling. So when would be next appointment, we asked. Dr K said, "2 months from next chemo. If you really have nothing to do, drop by for a chat." Normally serious, he did have some humor.

The nurse at the chemo screening station mentioned that the skin peeling off is side effect from the oral prescription. She also said the blood test results were excellent. So I proceed to the chemo. The nurse attending to me was superb. She took care of the injection with such skill that  I hardly felt the pain. She arranged for the warm pad which helped easing the numbness and tingling effect, and re-heat it 2 more times to ensure that the pad remain warm and effective.

Truly, thank God for keeping to His promise on healing. It is great to come to this part of the journey. We are looking towards going back to our normal routine soon, as the kids have always pray.

2Cor 5:7
 For we live by faith, not by sight.
歌 林 多 後 書 5 
7 因 我 们 行 事 为 人 是 凭 着 信 心 , 不 是 凭 着 眼 见 。

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