Sunday, March 20, 2011


Couple of weeks ago, while I was reading newspaper, my wife asked why I did not wash my hand which was "stained" by the ink from the newspaper. It was actually a side-effect from the chemo. The skin tone has darkened, especially on the fingers and toes. It was the toxic that has surfaced on the skin. The same effect also seen on the sore of my right foot. It puzzles me why only on my right foot. (right footing??)
Due to the stronger dosage of the chemo drugs, I felt the side-effect longer this round. The arm on which the infusion took place continue to feel numb. Took a week to get over the lethargy. Thankfully things are getting better now.

On Tuesday, I went to visit the Chinese physician. She reviewed the blood test report I brought along. Liver functions have improved. Low blood count has also been restored. Thanks to the herbs that she prescribed. Dryness in the month and throat has improved significantly. 
Due to the nature of the setup, she was able to took time to chat with each patient. Unlike the government hospital, where time is more constrained. Took another prescription and off to the medical hall in Chinatown again.

Mar 11. Horrific scale 9.0 earthquake in Japan. Tsunami followed. Then nuclear crisis. Snow. When it rains, it pours.
The TV footage showed much destruction. When the waves came, nothing in the path was spared. Houses, cars, everything was tossed about like toys.Uncounted lives was lost in an instant, property, cars and all physical possessions ended up in total rumbles. What a sight, what a tragedy. How powerless we are in front of the force of nature. Despite such a calamity, hats off to the Japanese who have showed much resilience and solidarity. They remained mostly calm and orderly, helping out one another in the face of calamity.
The nuclear crisis unsettled many. Invisible threat is causing fear and panic. Major evacuations ensued.
With the turmoil in Middle East and North Africa, and the frequency of natural disasters, I couldn't help to recall what Jesus said:" 
 7For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in place after place;    8All this is but the beginning [the early pains] of the birth pangs [of the intolerable anguish].(Matthew 24)

I wish for those whom I have been praying for, that you would believe and turn to God, resting in His mightly arm who offers peace and mercy. 32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.(Matthew 24).  May you seriously consider this.

Thank God for Brother Ho.....he has been such a blessing to me all this while. Without fail, he sends me weekly sms/text of encouragement, this really helps in keeping my spirit high . 
Thank to the church too. They sent visitation team to encourage. Brother A and his gang has such a vibrant faith that easily stoke the fire of faith in us.May God bless the work of his team.
I was very touched when a friend told me he had been praying for me everyday. May God bless you Mr K!!

2Cor4:18 So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever ()

歌林多后书4:18  因此,我們不去顧慮眼前這看得見的苦難,只嚮往那看不見的、上帝所應許將要來臨的榮耀。因為這看得見的苦難是暫時的,那看不見的榮耀是永久的。

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