Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Update 进展

The pain from the wound after the op was more intense than I ever thought. After 3 weeks, I was still feeling not so well though there was gradual improvement daily. At night, I have to try to get into a sleeping position that minimized the pain felt. My PMR(Pain Management Regime) was not very successful even though I tried various techniques. I pleaded with God. He spoke to my mind I would be better in 2 days' time. Truly there was a significant improvement 2 days later. I was able to walk ~1.5x the speed I managed the day before. There are another quantum leap last Thursday. Almost all the pain were gone that day, I could sleep in whatever position I wish. What a relief and a blessing to enjoy such pleasant surprises! Now there is the pain is at ~3% to remind me not to go running yet. 

The chemotherapy that started last Wed Jan 26 went fairly well. I was feeling real tired on the 2nd to 4th days, and sleeping a lot. Other than that, thankfully the side effects like giddiness, dryness in throat and taste change are manageable. When Pastor called, he was actually quite happy that I did so well(we pray hard for no side effect!)

Yesterday, I went to consult the Chinese physician again. The hospital was very quite compared to a normal day, due to the Chinese New Year. So shorter queuing time.  TCM helps to ease the discomfort felt from the chemo. The kind physician provided another prescription after reviewing the medical and blood test reports from the doctors. 

It was raining quite a lot here. Feeling cold. Yesterday the sun shone again. So after almost 1 week, I resumed strolling again in the park. Felt good.

Today is the Chinese New Year Eve, wishing everyone a good holiday; enjoy the re-union and stay healthy. Thanks to those who send wishes and visited, and also those who pray!

Jeremiah 31:3 (New Living Translation)

 3 Long ago the Lord said to Israel:
   “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.
      With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

耶 利 米 書 31:3 (Chinese Union Version (Simplified))

 3 古 时 ( 或 译 : 从 远 方 ) 耶 和 华 向 以 色 列 ( 原 文 是 我 ) 显 现 , 说 : 我 以 永 远 的 爱 爱 你 , 因 此 我 以 慈 爱 吸 引 你 。

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