Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Progress 进展

It has been more than 2 weeks after the op. The pain has 80-90% subsided.  Actually felt quite good despite some discomfort. Resumed strolling in the park yesterday. Met a neighbor during the walk, he offered his kind moral support.

Reviewed with the surgeon today. He explained about the op and the histology again.  All is progressing well. Due to the fact that it was a major operation, the "residual" pain would last for quite a while, especially when engaged in physical activities such as walking. He explained that in other countries this op would require a hospital stay of up to 2 weeks. Otherwise, he said, I could assume myself as NORMAL now. Thank God!!

手术后已超过2周,休息了这段时间,疼痛约80-90%已消退。 虽有稍微的不适,但整体感觉还挺好的。昨天开始到楼下公园散步去也。遇到邻居,他很善意地上前来为我打气。


1 comment:

Douglas Thomson said...

A very Happy New Year to you Tang

I am delighted to read that your operationwent smoothly, that more of your liver could be saved, and that you are making good progress on the road to recovery. The liver is an amazing organ!

My very best wishes for your continued recovery in 2011
